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Friday, 17 June 2011

Confessions of a product Junkie and Conditioner Review

Before I was natural I was addicted to shoes (still am cough, cough), well I am slightly still addicted but this university budget cannot stretch enough to feed my shoe and unfortunately my hair product addiction. My bathroom is over stacked with products from oils, body scrubs to yes the main culprit conditioners. I counted the amount of conditioners I am currently hoarding in my bathroom and various locations in the house.

Location: bathroom... / Area: ..under sink..brand name... amounts...
  • Alberto Balsam -2
  • Garnier -1
  • Bobby Brown -1
  • Tresseme -3
  • Timotei -1
  • Rainforest -1
  • Dove -2
  • Total = 11 

Location: kitchen and other areas..
  •  Vo5 -2
  • Alberto Balsam -2
  • Total =4
So I own 15 conditioner's in total, my goal for the year is not to buy anymore conditioners until I have gone through each and every single one of the ones I currently own. All of the conditioners I use are great apart from the Garnier and Bobby Brown. I have not given the later a chance really. But the former is definatley for the ''hamper''  I am making for my friend or swap.

The review
I want to congradulate Alberto Balsam'' pomegranate'' for being the only surviving member for three years of my product dumping (deuces to all  you other lame conditioners). This conditioner is worth every 99p, yes I said it 99p that is the price folks. It makes detangling much easier, makes a great leave in, I used to deep condition with it when my hair was shorter, sure it will still do the job and it is a major part of my hair spritz.