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Thursday, 23 June 2011

The Hair Cycle

In order to understand anything in life, you have to educate yourself about that specific thing or subject. Imagine going to sit an exam without even attempting to open the textbook,or trying to bake a cake without ingredients. Even a baby has to educate itself daily to adapt to its environment, although it might take a different approach  by trying to taste everything I would not recommend that with your hair products and tools but take a similar approach to haircare.  Understanding your hair begins with understanding the hair cycle.

The Hair Cycle 

Heres a short version of the haircycle.There are three stages to the hair cycle, the Anagen phase,Catagen and the Telogen phase. The Anagen phase is the growing phase which usually lasts about three to five years.
On average your hair will grow half an inch a month and in total six inches a year or 15 centimetres. Your blood supply provides nutrients and minerals to your hair so diet is an important factor in your hair growth.The  Catagen phase is the resting  phase which occurs after the growth phase Anagen.The hair detaches from the blood supply and becomes thinner . The final phase is the Telogen phase, during this phase you will shed about 100 hairs a day, so do not have a heart attack when you see a bit of hair on your comb. After the shedding phase your hair begins the cycle all over again and you are back to anagen.
