Just thought I would share a style I wore to a wedding last weekend. It was really a last resort style, I had initially planned to wear my signature quiff but my hair kept flopping down. This was done with bobby pins on straightened hair. I pinned my hair to one side and did two huge flat twists at the front. I have been wearing this style since the wedding, its simple and quick. Literally takes me three minutes to pin up my hair. Note to self: up-dos are you best friend! Received loads of compliments, thumbs up. My cousins husband had been wondering if it was my hair or a wig all day, he had a nice feel in the end.
Apart from a couple of people stopping me or just randomly coming up to me about my hair, the most memorable was at the train station yesterday. I was standing there, waiting for my train and out of nowhere beside me I heard in an west African accent "Jesus Christ is that your hair, please turn around let me see the back''. I obliged as usual and while twirling to put my eyes on this woman who looked absolutely amazed, the lady went on to ask more questions before boarding the train. This hair is taking over my life, I have conversations with people and they are talking to my hair not me, no eye contact nothing just the person and my hair. I now know how women with large busts feel with this large hair, but apart from being invisible to what is growing out of my scalp, I am grateful for it.